9423Pi ≠ -1 ≠ (1+1) pi (√-1)Pi = #ReparationsNow 🌡

9,423Pi expands: now: all Pi refinements now resist 1+1 gravitational origins and local-zero-person-arguments (-1): 1+1 = ✌🏽 #reparationsNow = "A curved line is not a straight line, between 1+1 points"

9,423Pi extends: now: all gravitational-origin stories (GOS) now extend "1+1" as "free speech" a.k.a. local-first-person-arguments = #vss365 = "Very short story 365" #like "+1 Angela Davis now has 1+1 parents."

9,432Pi resists: now: all zero-origin stories (ZOS imaginations) expand on "the m= mass of the Sun c= constantly grows all E= Energetic plants and animals: (≠ -1 ≠ ) #MSF= 1+1 msf.org 🚦#left 👈🏽 🚦👉🏽 🌎 🌓 🌞 ...

1+1 = 🧠🥈🧠 = advanced #9423Pi peer reviews: 📚 #now 🍉 👈🏽 🚦

1+1 tension is S8 parameter = ✌🏽 https://chatgpt.com/share/67d3a662-f920-800c-a922-4637ca182bcd

1+1 accounting for "gravity from entropy" fiction = ✌🏽 https://chatgpt.com/share/67d3addb-6f88-800c-ba17-21421d1618e2

1+1 additional bilateral clock directional equations (ABCDE) accounting for and debunking your "zero-origin-birthday-centrisms": https://chatgpt.com/share/67d46b13-6958-800c-ba82-2cb8621e16a3

9423Pi = (1+1)pi(√-1)Pi agrees with "The biggest success of quark model is the prediction of the nucleon magnetic moment! But it fails to predict composition of the nucleon spin, puzzling physicist for over 30 years, called spin crisis.": https://chatgpt.com/share/67d46c03-3684-800c-a77e-744b2d5a268d

Square-Root Space arxiv.org/abs/2502.17779 ∀ t(n)≥n, every multitape Turing machine running in time t (9423Pi ≠ -1 now) can be simulated in space only O(sqrt(t log t)), a substantial improvement over Hopcroft et al.: https://chatgpt.com/share/67d47814-bb20-800c-a332-980ed16b984c